Definition of Iron fist

1. Noun. Rigorous or ruthless control. "It takes an iron fist to contain the dissenting factions"

Generic synonyms: Control

Definition of Iron fist

1. Noun. Ruthless control. ¹

2. Noun. Symbol of an army's tank or cavalry branch ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Iron Fist

iron carbide
iron chelating agents
iron collar
iron compounds
iron curtain
iron curtains
iron deficiency
iron deficiency anaemia
iron deficiency anemia
iron dextrin
iron disulfide
iron eagle
iron excess
iron filing
iron filings
iron fist
iron fists
iron foundry
iron gray
iron haematoxylin
iron hand
iron heel
iron horse
iron horses
iron index
iron isotopes
iron lung
iron maiden
iron maidens

Literary usage of Iron fist

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The New York Times Current History (1918)
""With iron fist and Shining Sword The Kaiser's Address to His Troops • • Emperor William addressed the German Second Army on the French front, Dec. ..."

2. Latin America by George Hubbard Blakeslee (1914)
"All foreigners in Mexico look for a strong government, an iron hand or iron fist, and the only thing they discuss is whether a certain man is sufficiently ..."

3. The Story of the Great War by Francis Joseph Reynolds, Allen Leon Churchill, Leonard Wood, Francis Trevelyan Miller, Austin Melvin Knight, Frederick Palmer, Frank Herbert Simonds, Arthur Brown Ruhl (1916)
"The Grand Duke rules with an iron fist. Champagne and liquor is taboo throughout ... The iron fist of the Grand Duke hits, if necessary, even the greatest, ..."

4. The Balance Sheet of Sovietism by Boris Brasol (1922)
"The first group refused to argue with anything but an iron fist. Lenin, while believing in the iron fist, preferred to use it in a silk glove. ..."

5. "Red Paper" of Mexico: An Exposé of the Great Cientifico Conspiracy to by Mexican Bureau of Information, New York, New York Mexican Bureau of Information (1914)
""All foreigners in Mexico," Mr. Cabrera said, "look for a strong government, an iron hand or iron fist, and the only thing they discuss is whether a certain ..."

6. The Harvard Classics by Charles William Eliot (1910)
"... shot would smite the unresisting ground with a sounding " thud," as the strong boxer crashes his iron fist into the jaws of his unguarded adversary. ..."

7. The New York Times Current History (1918)
""With iron fist and Shining Sword The Kaiser's Address to His Troops • • Emperor William addressed the German Second Army on the French front, Dec. ..."

8. Latin America by George Hubbard Blakeslee (1914)
"All foreigners in Mexico look for a strong government, an iron hand or iron fist, and the only thing they discuss is whether a certain man is sufficiently ..."

9. The Story of the Great War by Francis Joseph Reynolds, Allen Leon Churchill, Leonard Wood, Francis Trevelyan Miller, Austin Melvin Knight, Frederick Palmer, Frank Herbert Simonds, Arthur Brown Ruhl (1916)
"The Grand Duke rules with an iron fist. Champagne and liquor is taboo throughout ... The iron fist of the Grand Duke hits, if necessary, even the greatest, ..."

10. The Balance Sheet of Sovietism by Boris Brasol (1922)
"The first group refused to argue with anything but an iron fist. Lenin, while believing in the iron fist, preferred to use it in a silk glove. ..."

11. "Red Paper" of Mexico: An Exposé of the Great Cientifico Conspiracy to by Mexican Bureau of Information, New York, New York Mexican Bureau of Information (1914)
""All foreigners in Mexico," Mr. Cabrera said, "look for a strong government, an iron hand or iron fist, and the only thing they discuss is whether a certain ..."

12. The Harvard Classics by Charles William Eliot (1910)
"... shot would smite the unresisting ground with a sounding " thud," as the strong boxer crashes his iron fist into the jaws of his unguarded adversary. ..."

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